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November 9, 2011

Ostrich Pocket Nap Pillow


Via reader Leah O who wrote, "Purchases by men = some. Purchases by women = none."

I'm not going there.

From Kawamura Ganjavian:



Working patterns are constantly evolving. We gradually spend more time in our working environments, and this in turn means that we often need to make work and rest fully compatible within the same space. Some cultures have assimilated this concept more naturally than others, but in general the workplace has rarely adapted to this new working-resting paradigm.


Ostrich offers a micro environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap at ease. It is neither a pillow nor a cushion, nor a bed, nor a garment, but a bit of each at the same time. Its soothing cave-like interior shelters and isolates our head and hands (mind, senses and body) for a few minutes, without causing us to leave our desk.

November 9, 2011 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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Really? Someone actually bought one?

Posted by: Becs | Nov 9, 2011 7:29:07 PM

I can't stop laughing...

Posted by: Joe Peach | Nov 9, 2011 7:17:47 PM

Soothing cave like interior? Carbon dioxide re-respirator more like it. Seriously, I'm with Mellisa. It's a no-brainer, which, with all due respect to men, explains why women haven't bought any.

Posted by: tamra | Nov 9, 2011 11:44:56 AM

How do you breathe? I can't have my face covered at all, not even a sheet, although that may be more due to a traumatic experience as a child. But really, it looks like having your head inside a feather pillow.

Posted by: MelissaB | Nov 9, 2011 9:34:44 AM

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