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March 24, 2012

Bed Bugs Episode 2: Sleeping Cocoon

Screen Shot 2012-03-24 at 8.58.53 AM

Not 10 hours after yesterday afternoon's Episode 1 post on the new NYC hotel amenity — RestEasy Bed Bug repellent, right next to the shampoo and body lotion et al. — in came this comment from reader Alan Fick: "Tell me about it — daughter had them in one of her apartments at college — what fun. So it's come to this."

So it would appear, Alan.

I'm ordering a few of these cocoons for my correspondents' use when they find themselves in Gotham.

From the product website:


This portable sleeping cocoon is made of specially woven fabric that is impervious to bed bugs.

The sleeping cocoon's tightly wound polyester threads are spaced only one micron apart (a span that's much smaller than bed bugs) to prevent 100% of bed bugs from penetrating the fabric.

The durable polyester threads are impervious to bed bugs' teeth, yet the fabric remains soft, pliable, and breathable for optimal sleeping comfort in a hotel bed.

The sleeping cocoon creates an enclosed sleeping environment from the shoulders to the feet, the hooded top protects your head and neck yet allows you to breathe naturally, and the entire unit folds to fit in the included tote for ease of travel.

81"L x 36"W; weighs one pound.



Alternatively, you could wear a Hazmat suit like the woman in the TV commercial who takes one look at her hotel bedspread and then returns to the room wearing one, head bubble and all.

Your call.

March 24, 2012 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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Looks good but I like the looks of this one more, mainly because it is 100% cotton. I called the owner awhile back and he seemed like a sincere honest guy.
Better price too.


Posted by: Jerry | Mar 24, 2012 7:00:15 PM

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