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April 25, 2012

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: 16 steps to colonize our galaxy

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Tsiolkovsky, among the giants undergirding Russia's space ventures, wrote up a game plan for space colonization published in 1926; it appears up top.

So far the course of human endeavor in space has followed his outline quite closely.

Man has accomplished numbers 1-8 (with the exception of #7).

Step #12, "Colonization of the asteroid belt," got a jumpstart yesterday with an announcement by Planetary Sciences — founded three years ago but in deep black until last week — that it plans to send robotic spacecraft to remotely mine asteroids.

The first thing to be mined: water.

"It now costs some $76,000 a gallon to launch water from the surface of the Earth into orbit." 

April 25, 2012 at 02:01 PM | Permalink


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