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May 16, 2012
Datastroyer Model 1000 Disintegrator is Amazon's most expensive item
I believe my Crack Research Team®™© did a good job scouring the vast site to bring back the priciest thing — $127,769.27 — you can buy right now from Amazon.
"When high volume central destruction is required, this top of the line model [above] will meet the task."
Shipping weight: 14,000 pounds (7 tons).
Bonus: Free shipping!
Full disclosure: If you order one via this link, Amazon will send me a commission check for $8,943.85.
May 16, 2012 at 03:01 PM | Permalink
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Stop puttering around with commissions! Now that you've monetized BOJ it is time to gear up for the IPO!
You're tech. Zuckerbergs got nothing on you. Jobs is dead. The stars are right.
Go public!
Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | May 18, 2012 7:42:22 AM
Upon checking out the Datastroyer 100 Disintegrator, Amazon directed me to another wildly priced (mistakenly, one hopes) item, with its own amusing set of customer reviews; I enjoyed "This product changed my life..."
Posted by: Flautist | May 16, 2012 8:02:11 PM
Oh, Leeroy is absolutely right - my favorite comment excerpts so far are "it met all my destroying needs" and "it's despicable." Great, great, great.
Posted by: Flautist | May 16, 2012 7:39:18 PM
The comment section at the product listing is worth the look =)
Posted by: Leeroy | May 16, 2012 7:15:28 PM
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