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May 7, 2012

Pencil Dice


From the website:



The simple addition of dice markings to a six-sided pencil makes all the difference. 


An essential addition to any briefcase, pen cup, or pencil case.

A little something to help you pass the time, entertain the children, or even make decisions.


Red with white dots or white with black dots.

Apiece, £1.50.

May 7, 2012 at 01:01 PM | Permalink


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the Dice Man would love this.

Posted by: Kamal Shah | May 7, 2012 8:52:43 PM

Back in the day that I had to take multiple-guess tests, where a wrong answer did not adversely effect the score, if I had no idea which answer to select I rolled my pencil (marked something like this) to select a "random" guess. It worked for me (albeit, I may have done this a couple of times over the course of 7 years of higher Ed), but my sample size was minimal.

Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | May 7, 2012 2:40:23 PM

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