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May 4, 2012

Spy Bolt Covert Hidden Contents Secret Container


Hey, that's what Amazon calls it, shoot them, not me — I'm just the messenger.




From the website:


The Spy Bolt is an updated and improved version of the old Soviet KGB "dead drop" hollow bolt used during the Cold War.

It features an O-ring seal for weather-proof storage of small valuables, communications, etc.

It has reverse threading on the bolt head for additional security.

This new version utilizes a real 3/4"-diameter machine bolt providing a larger storage area than the original.

Its secret storage compartment has a diameter of 0.49" and a maximum depth of 2.7".

Overall length is 3.43".



May 4, 2012 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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Boy, I just hope Grandpa tells someone where he hid the diamonds. Otherwise, when he's gone, they will never be found.

Posted by: tamra | May 4, 2012 11:45:44 PM

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