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May 23, 2012
Table with built-in digital design file — "When bits met atoms"
Way cool.
From Ponoko:
The Rev–>Table from Supermechanical comes with the digital file for the design of the table built in. A QR code containing the DXF files for the table is laser-etched into an aluminum plate embedded in the tabletop.
If you want to modify or repair the table, you can get the original files by scanning the code with a smartphone. The code does not access a website, it contains the digital file itself. This way the file is a permanent part of the table.In the days before everything was considered disposable, products came with repair manuals. This table takes this idea a step further by making it easy to produce replacement parts with digital fabrication.
[via @madebydan (Dan Emery) and a reader whose email included a link to this nifty table. Due to yet another in a series of FAILs by my Crack eMail Sorting Team®™©, I don't have your name so I can't credit you. Mea culpa.]
May 23, 2012 at 11:01 AM | Permalink
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