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June 1, 2012

Google World Wonders Project

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"Google's World Wonders Project aims to bring to life the wonders of the modern and ancient worlds."

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"The World Wonders Project enables you to discover 132 historic sites from 18 countries, including Stonehenge, the archaeological areas of Pompeii and the ancient Kyoto temples. In addition to man-made sites, you can explore natural places: wander the sandy dunes of Australia's Shark Bay or gaze up at the rock domes of Yosemite National Park in California."

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"World Wonders uses Street View technology to take you on a virtual trip to each iconic site. Most could not be filmed by car, so we used camera-carrying trikes to pedal our way close enough. The site also includes 3-D models and YouTube videos of the historical places, so you can dig in and get more information and a broader view of each site. We also partnered with several prestigious organizations, including UNESCO, the World Monuments Fund, Getty Images, and Ourplace, who provided official information and photographs for many of the sites."

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Fair warning: There goes the day.

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[via Richard Kashdan]

June 1, 2012 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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