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June 14, 2012

Zombie Eye Mask


From websites:


Most people walk around looking like zombies because nobody is getting enough sleep these days. Why not take that look to the extreme with the Zombie Eye Mask?

This ghoulish green mask with creepy bloodshot eyes is the perfect accessory for some quality beauty rest. You can sleep like one of the undead in this stylish and hilarious sleep mask. You'll be fast asleep, but your zombie eyes will be wide awake.

The Zombie Eye Mask is the perfect gift for new parents, horror buffs, and zombie lovers in your family.




[via Things That Look Like Other Things and Better Living Through Design]

June 14, 2012 at 03:01 PM | Permalink


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Some of us don't need a mask to look like that in the morning.

Posted by: Graeme | Jun 15, 2012 2:29:12 AM

That looks more like The Incredible Bulk than a zombie. All the zombies I know are varying darknesses of neutral gray with touches of raw umber and alizarin crimson.

Posted by: Flautist | Jun 14, 2012 10:45:26 PM

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