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August 23, 2012

bookofjoe World Exclusive®™©: Limited-Edition Shark Laundry Baskets Resurface


Long story short: I happened on Krakow-based Jolanta Uczarcyck's wonderful hand-made felt shark laundry basket (above and below)


a couple weeks ago and several readers who tried to buy one were unhappy to find they'd sold out.


You know me, I never take "No" — or "No more" — for an answer and so I contacted Ms. Uczarcyck via Etsy mail (didn't know you could do that, did you? Anyone can, but you have to register with Etsy first, which is a free, one-time effort worth doing if you're like me and occasionally want to communicate with an Etsy maker) and she was kind enough to email me back as follows:


Sure enough, about an hour ago I received the following email from her:

Screen Shot 2012-08-23 at 8.12.40 AM

So, it looks like three fast actors* have the opportunity to acquire one of these baskets now, slower players taking a spot on the wait list.


*I know, I wrote in the previous post, "I'm going to buy the next one she makes, then make it the prize for a contest yet to be created by moi."

I decided this morning to instead let a reader acquire that one directly.

August 23, 2012 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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