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August 25, 2012

"Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man"

From Open Culture: "He was Argentina's favorite son, one of the great South American writers of the last century (along with Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes, and Mario Vargas Llosa), and the winner of 46 national and international literary prizes. We're talking about Jorge Luis Borges, the master of the postmodern short story. Borges was born in 1899, and to celebrate his 100th birthday (though he died in 1986), Philippe Molins directed the documentary, Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man. The film's major strength (as one reviewer put it) is that it's a 'bit of everything — part biography, part literary criticism, part hero-worship, part book reading, and part psychology.' It runs 47 minutes and includes a fair amount of archival footage. (Watch it in a larger format on Vimeo here.)"

August 25, 2012 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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