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October 23, 2012

A day in the life


What a strange day was today.

I woke still a bit stiff from Sunday's epic half-marathon (epic in that I ran the last 9+ miles feeling sick to my stomach: nausea and queasiness peaked at the end of mile 4 [elapsed time 41:00] and so I walked pretty much the entirety of mile 5, ready to vomit and/or poop volumes at any second, my belly tense and guarded — but nothing came out either end. 

That mile took 14:30.

As I began mile 6 I realized this was not going to be a record setting race, so I turned off my Garmin and decided to just finish it out as best I could. 

I ran the final 8 miles in 97 minutes (a little over 12 minutes/mile), and felt less sick as the miles passed.

At the finish I was pretty much exhausted: running nauseated takes a lot out of you, even if it wasn't literally true.

I wasn't able to eat anything until about 11 p.m. Sunday, so uneasy was my gut.

But today I felt much better.

Then around 10 a.m. a guy from my hood came by and said his dog Smokey (above and below — a picture taken this morning enjoying his dog's breakfast)


had bolted after a deer and disappeared into the the deep woods a half hour earlier near his house.

I dropped everything and spent the next four hours or so gathering information about his pet and creating posters featuring Smokey's picture and vital statistics to distribute all over the neighborhood.

We accidentally realized that giving the pic and info to the FedEx guy was a really great idea since all he did was drive around our hood all day. 

We made up more posters and gave them to lots of people.

At around 5 p.m. Smokey's owner called: Success!

His dog was down the street at a condo development about a mile away, safe and sound.

Made my day.

Now, about that microchip you've always thought would be a good idea... how about tomorrow?

Is tomorrow good for you?

'Cause it'll be perfect for Smokey.

nuf sed

October 23, 2012 at 11:31 PM | Permalink


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Reminds me a bit of this:


Posted by: Fred | Oct 25, 2012 10:53:38 AM

Better yet, how about a GPS collar for Smokey and Friends?


Posted by: Kay | Oct 24, 2012 3:52:32 PM

So glad to hear Smokey is back home. Thanks for helping to make that happen.

And yes, my indoor-only cats are microchipped, just in case something happens and they wind up outside and lost.

Posted by: Jeri Dansky | Oct 24, 2012 3:06:03 AM

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