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November 9, 2012

"We Aim To Please" — Classic Popeye the Sailor (December 28, 1934)

Am I the only one who watched this on a crummy 12" black and white TV in the 1950s and now finds out how beautiful the cartoon really is, seen in all its high-pixel density glory?

And how great it sounds as well from my stereo speakers as opposed to the old TV console?

[via Flautist]

November 9, 2012 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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Damn you, you're watching it on a retina display aren't you?

Posted by: tamra | Nov 10, 2012 2:23:32 AM

That was great!

I still laugh every time I think of Robin Williams

playing Popeye and his pronuncekeeation!

I Yam What I Yam!


Posted by: JoePeach | Nov 9, 2012 6:01:56 PM

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