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December 17, 2012

Google Currents is the new Zite


Up till last week Zite was my favorite reading application on iPad, putting Flipboard and Pulse so far in the shade they might as well be on the dark side of the moon.

Then Zite decided to improve its excellent interface but alas, the new version did what so many "new and improved," "upgraded," and otherwise tweaked sites do: it became unusable due to feature bloat.

I deleted it from my iPad and then read somewhere that same day about Google Currents, the latest effort from the Mountain View propellerheads to broaden their scope from search.

Unlike the woeful Google+ and its ilk, Currents is excellent.

Tremendous selection of magazines and newspapers to subscribe to.

Free, the way we like it.

Very nicely done, propellerheads.

Up top, Google Currents' opening screen on my iPad.

December 17, 2012 at 04:01 AM | Permalink


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