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January 24, 2013
"Anti-Lonelineness" iPhone Noodle Bowl — WANT
From Pat's Papers: "This is ridiculous. But it's also kind of awesome. Yes, that's a ramen bowl in the above photo, complete with a built-in iPhone dock. Inspired by a noodle-eating man who refused to put down his phone, the designers say their hi-tech bowl is more tongue-in-cheek than practical: 'We did it for fun — it's kind of sarcastic, we're not trying to promote everyone looking at their screens all the time.' The New York Daily News advises caution if you decide to try it out — there’s nothing to prevent your screen from broth splashes."
According to the Daily News, "The designers of the... vessel said they got the idea after seeing a solitary Taiwanese man chowing down with one hand while holding his phone with the other."
"'He just couldn't let the phone go!' said Minnie Jan, 33 [below, next to co-designer Daisuke Nagatomo].
'We thought it would be a good idea to help him restore his manners.'"
Jan and Nagatomo, who run Taiwan-based MisoSoupDesign, named their creation the "anti-loneliness bowl."
Said Jan, who along with Nagatomo attended Columbia University, "We're not trying to promote everyone looking at their screens all the time."
"Nagatomo, 35, said the pair would love to break into the U.S."
"One downside to the iPhone bowl? There's nothing to protect the device from splashes."
"'If you're afraid of getting your screen messy you're probably not looking at it while eating, anyway,' Jan said."
Note to the designers: These just might make it into the Apple Store — can't hurt to try.
Email Tim Cook ([email protected]) and tell him I sent you.
Yeah, that'll work.
But I digress.
From the bowl's Facebook page: "We are currently accepting a limited number of pre-orders. The available date will be around April to May. If you are interested please contact us via email ([email protected]) or send us a message via our Facebook page."
These bowls are so in @Jane Friedman's wheelhouse, it's not even funny.
[via the irrepressible J.D. Biersdorfer, doing what she does best.]
January 24, 2013 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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Once, man ate because he made the news,
now he eats to read the news...
Posted by: joepeach | Jan 24, 2013 6:53:40 PM
So slide an unmarked plastic sandwich bag over the phone, then noodle down and splash away.
Posted by: Flautist | Jan 24, 2013 6:43:28 PM
Hey Joe,
I'm going to say a whole ten inches from elbow to elbow.
Also, didn't i read (here I'm pretty sure) something about a book you where writing? What, no more excerpts? Did you do a pre-publishing sale? Is there a T-shirt? Am I overlooking a link on the page? Nope, don't see a link at all.
I know, too many questions. I'll stop now.
Posted by: e | Jan 24, 2013 12:56:24 PM
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