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February 10, 2013
Temperature-Sensitive Glass Tiles — Trick out your shower for $24,000
One of my post popular posts appeared four years ago — February 12, 2009 to be precise — and featured temperature-sensitive glass tiles, just commercialized and placed on the market at the time.
Back then they cost $15 apiece but the price has doubled, such that fitting out a square shower stall measuring 40" x 80" per wall, requiring 800 tiles, will set you back $24,000.
Not including labor.
Apply within.
February 10, 2013 at 08:01 PM | Permalink
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Wow! This is really awesome! This temperature sensitive glass tiles are so amazing!
Posted by: Eugene Roebuck, Master of Spam | Feb 12, 2013 7:46:55 AM
No worries, the 30 bucks is just for a sample tile. 50 tiles is only $1099 with free shipping on ebay, so that 800 square feet will only set you back $17,500. That's so much more affordable!
Posted by: tamra | Feb 11, 2013 2:36:01 AM
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