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February 13, 2013
Fondue Toilet — Mmmm.....
Porcelain — the way toilets were meant to be.
$17.13 (fondue forks — but not cherry and/or chocolate sauce— included).
[via Laurel who tweeted "See today's blog post? Thought u might get a laugh!" She got that right. As I think about it, it's actually rather pathetic that I'm this easy to target: just find something toilet-related and you're pretty much guaranteed to hit the jackpot — if getting your name in a bookofjoe post is your idea of a jackpot. There are those — more than a few people, I'm afraid — who'd consider it a booby prize.).]
[Actually, kind of perfect in a loserville Valentine's Day way: just make sure to use bittersweet chocolate.]
February 13, 2013 at 08:01 PM | Permalink
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Excellent, JP.
Also: Fondoo
Posted by: Flautist | Feb 14, 2013 6:56:51 PM
Potty mouth!
Posted by: joepeach | Feb 14, 2013 6:36:27 PM
I'd have to close my eyes to swallow it...
Posted by: tamra | Feb 14, 2013 3:13:46 AM
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