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March 25, 2013

Finally, a ping-pong table that stays put



If you weighed 900 pounds you'd pretty much stay where you were too.

Wrote Megan Buerger in the Wall Street Journal: "James DeWulf, a 37-year-old Los Angeles designer, was turned on to concrete after seeing someone build prison beds at a concrete shop in 2004. Today, he's best known for his concrete ping-pong table, which sells for $7,000. Mr. DeWulf, who owns James DeWulf LLC, recently designed a pool table, which costs $16,000 for the indoor version and $18,000 for the outdoor version. Concrete has become a more acceptable furniture material, Mr. DeWulf said, because advances in the material have made it lighter, stronger and more stain resistant. 'And ours has this beautiful, buttery finish. At trade shows, everyone that walks by runs their fingers across the table.'"


Apply within.

March 25, 2013 at 12:01 PM | Permalink


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Nathan, yes - and no. There are many types of concrete other than the one used for sidewalks.

Posted by: John A | Mar 27, 2013 1:57:42 AM

As I recall, unreinforced concrete is actually surprisingly brittle. It wouldn't surprise me if the weight of a person sitting on the edge of that table caused it to snap. Though it's possible that the advances he mentioned prevent this.

I think I'll pass, though judging by the last time I was at a Holiday Inn I think major hotel chains have already gone with concrete for their beds...

Posted by: Nathan | Mar 25, 2013 2:48:50 PM

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