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April 15, 2013

LED Night Light with Wash & Brush Timer


Excerpts from Ian Hall's Cool Tools review follow.


I bought this timer/night-light for my 5-year-old daughter.

She understands the importance of brushing her teeth and is excited about doing it on her own, however she underestimates the time required to fully complete the task.

I finally decided it was time to get her a better brushing timer so she can form a good practice on her own without dad hovering and correcting constantly. After much research, this timer was my choice. Not only does it have the two-minute toothbrushing timer, but it’s also got a 20-second handwashing timer and built-in night-light with auto on/off (it goes on when the room is dark, off when light).


When she presses the hand icon or the brush icon a green light flashes. As the wash/brush session nears its end, the light flashes faster and faster. When the session is over a red light flashes a few times and then the light goes off. The simple iconography is easy for her to understand, the buttons are easy to press, and it’s fun for her to watch the light flash.


The timer also has a water-resistant face and fits well in the bathroom plug without blocking my other outlet.


Tell you what, I know someone considerably older who could use a little incentive when it comes to brushing his teeth....




April 15, 2013 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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I found an old push button toy at a flea market that plays this,


It sets rhythm of brushing AND the entire day!

Posted by: joepeach | Apr 15, 2013 8:38:55 PM

Returned home from 10.5 mile run through Charlottesville (left home 2:30 p.m.) to watch "Pardon The Interruption" on ESPN only to see "Bombing at Boston Marathon."

Posted by: bookofjoe | Apr 15, 2013 7:15:12 PM

Awesome but please let us know that you are happily and safely ensconced in Podunkville. I just heard the news about the Boston Marathon.

Posted by: Becs | Apr 15, 2013 5:00:32 PM

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