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May 9, 2013

USB Picture Keeper automatically finds and copies ALL the photos on any computer

Screen Shot 2013-05-09 at 1.25.47 PM

Plenty of bad stuff you could do with one of these puppies.

Good thing you're not the type.

From a website:


Super easy operation:

• Plug in Picture Keeper

• Click "Start Program"

• Unplug

It's simple and quick.

Mac and PC compatible.

No drag-and-drop or copy and paste.

Updates only new additions and modified files to save room; labels them with the same folder names.


Screen Shot 2013-05-09 at 1.25.39 PM

4GB (stores 4,000 1MB photos) or 8GB (8,000 photos): $24.95–$38.99.


May 9, 2013 at 08:01 PM | Permalink


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Terabytes of photos here. Converting family slides to digital form.

Meanwhile, the little scavenger would work wonders establishing "cause" for termination in any work environment (save those that make the stuff) - especially where the jump drive comes "pre-loaded" with impermissible material.

Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | May 10, 2013 7:02:55 PM

They really, really need to get the GBs up to 16, 32 or more for today's photo hoarders.

Posted by: joepeach | May 10, 2013 6:07:14 PM

I am in the same boat as Gini.

I have around 30,000 images on my PC and backed up on an external hard drive

Posted by: terrence | May 10, 2013 3:29:11 PM

Photos from a good quality point&shoot camera these days (e.g., Sony RX1) run about 45MB each, not 1MB. One reasonable size memory card for the camera holds as much as this device.

Posted by: Luke | May 10, 2013 7:23:32 AM

Think I'd need at least 4 of them.

Posted by: Gini | May 9, 2013 9:51:05 PM

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