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September 24, 2013
Paint Kit for Cats — "Is your cat the next Leonardo da Kitty?
What took so darned long?
Flautist, you payin' attention?
From the paint kit website:
Is your cat the next Leonardo Da Kitty or Vincent Cat Gogh?
Finally, your Persian can paint and your Calico can color!
In just a few easy steps your pet can create a masterpiece that you will cherish forever.
And you'll enjoy a fun and interactive project with your pet.
Best of all, there's no mess — your pet's paws will stay clean and dry!
Kit Includes:
• 5 Colors of acrylic paint (non-toxic)
• 3 Pieces of canvas art paper
• 3 Paint shields
• 1 Picture frame
• 1 Surprise cat toy
[via a member of my Crack Pittsburgh Correspondent Team®™©, busy as a bee doing something close to nothing (but different than the day before). heh. And yes — it's worth sitting through the ad to watch and hear this great MTV music video.]
September 24, 2013 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
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