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October 1, 2013
It's time for bears — Winnie the Pooh ain't got nothin' on ours
Above, an email that arrived earlier today, forwarded by the president of our local homeowners' association.
Love it.
This just in:
What with Monday's red fox sighting and a flock (five!) of hawks circling later that afternoon (which boring and inconsequential video will premiere here at 4:01 a.m. next Wednesday, October 9) and the many times daily visits from a large number of deer, it would appear my little subdivision — a bit more than a mile west of the Charlottesville city limits — is well and truly on its way to being rusticated.
Love it.
October 1, 2013 at 08:01 PM | Permalink
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Really good decision to keep GC indoors!
Posted by: 6.02*10^23 | Oct 2, 2013 1:55:10 AM
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