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October 2, 2013

Lester's Fixins Food Sodas — They're what's for breakfast!


From The Green Head: "Prepare your taste buds, your stomach, and your mind before you chug down these cool new Lester's Fixins Food Sodas. These weird gourmet sodas go beyond the boring old cola flavor, they taste exactly like you're drinking carbonated ranch dressing, pumpkin pie, peanut butter and jelly, buffalo wings, bacon, or sweet corn."


$2.99 a bottle.

October 2, 2013 at 08:01 AM | Permalink


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Joe, I laughed out loud when I saw this post. Prepare your stomach indeed! Empirical evidence supporting that suggestion can be found here! When I posted this photo of my boyfriend, post sip, I asked my friends "ever wonder what Buffalo Wing soda tastes like? Nathan's face answers that question" https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152010094976833&l=d77e5cc4c8

Posted by: brenda | Oct 8, 2013 5:29:31 PM

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