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October 6, 2015

Portable Halloween Sound Effects Machine


From the website:


Life is so much more rewarding when you carry a digital sound-effects box in your pants pocket (for one thing, you always get a seat on the bus).

These cuties are a mere 3-1/8" x 1-7/8" x 9/16" thick and have buttons that broadcast nine (9) exciting sounds through a 1" speaker.

You can pick either the Halloween Sound Effects box, with screams, creaks, a howling wolf, cackles, music, and other eerieness; or the Musical Sound Machine box, which features violins, trumpets, applause, and instantly recognizable cartoon musical interludes.


I'm thinking my Georgia correspondent could do very nicely with either one, thank you very much.


October 6, 2015 at 08:01 AM | Permalink


Excellent. It's good to know people are considering our Halloween needs.

After much searching, I have settled on a theme for the upcoming zombie apocalypse:

Posted by: Flautist | Oct 8, 2015 11:50:08 PM

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