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January 23, 2016
UV-Blocking Beer Glass
What took so long?
From Wired: "Now you can sip a pint of beer on the patio without it going bad. Typically, UV rays from direct sunlight cause beer to sour within minutes. The BRU-V's UV-blocking tinted glass was engineered to avert such disaster."
20 oz. (pint+) hand blown glass: $10 CAD.
January 23, 2016 at 08:01 AM | Permalink
I agree with Peachy. I don't think a few minutes in the sun is something I'd have to worry about.
That said, I think the risk overblown.
While my own beer is never at risk, I have had to kill a few wild beers others have walked away from after sitting in the sun for upwards of seven minutes.
That is my statute of limitations on ownership of free range alcohol... after that, it belongs to whomever gets to it first.
While not as cold, even in direct sunlight it tastes just as good.
Regardless, I have a wild Orange Cream Ale that tastes just like a Dreamsicle needing to be put down.
In my belly.
Posted by: clifyt | Jan 23, 2016 11:14:50 PM
Well, I couldn't tell you.
Beer in a glass around me has an extremely short half-life.
Posted by: Joe Peach | Jan 23, 2016 2:54:32 PM
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