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March 16, 2016
"Learn To Fly" — 1,000 Musician-Fans Play Foo Fighters Hit
Outdoors on a spectacularly beautiful July 26, 2015 in Cesena, Italy.
(Go full screen if at all possible and turn up the volume as high as it'll go — excellent way to jump-start your day. Just sayin'...).
But I digress.
1,000 musicians from all over Italy paid their own way for themselves and their instruments to travel to Cesena to take part.
The man who conceived and organized it, Fabio Zaffagnini, said he spent every waking moment for over a year trying to make it to happen.
Watching the video I can see that's probably an understatement: he must've spent every dreaming moment as well, obsessing about the myriad details.
It all turns out to have been well worth the effort, in my humble opinion.
But I digressed yet again.
Zaffagnini's goal was to have the Foo Fighters see the video, then come to Cesena and perform their version of the band's 1999 megahit anthem "Learn To Fly."
The group (below, with Dave Grohl in the center)
got the message and agreed to do just that.
On November 3, 2015 they made it happen in Cesena (below).
Full disclosure: I am so out of it I'd never heard a Foo Fighters song until I created this post.
Worse: I'd never ever heard of or listened to the magnificent "Learn To Fly" until now.
I am truly pathetic.
But, on the brighter side, look at what a great day this turned out to be for me!
[via Cliff Pickover's RealityCarnival]
March 16, 2016 at 08:01 AM | Permalink
Beautiful, just beautiful!
Posted by: tamra | Mar 18, 2016 12:31:01 AM
Thanks - great post!
Posted by: mark | Mar 17, 2016 8:09:54 AM
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