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April 27, 2019

Bulgari Serpenti Necklace


Featuring 260 carats of diamonds, it sold at Sotheby's April 17 Magnificent Jewels auction for $920,000.

"To our knowledge, it's the biggest version of the Serpenti necklace," said Frank Everett, senior director of Sotheby's Luxury Division, which did not release any details on the piece's provenance.

From Barron's: "The signed modern necklace is flexible and versatile with attenuated 18-karat white gold scales that are fully pavéed with round diamonds. The head is appointed with pear-shaped diamond eyes. At 41 inches long, it can be wrapped twice around the neck or worn as a belt."

April 27, 2019 at 08:01 AM | Permalink


Read into the words and see the fear:


Posted by: Fred | Apr 27, 2019 6:06:54 PM

Diamond market will collapse in the next 10 years, for sure 20. Maybe sooner.

I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know that man-made diamonds will be perfectly-made at increasingly lower costs. No blood involved.

Posted by: Fred | Apr 27, 2019 5:44:00 PM

Oh, and the 260 carats of diamonds on the necklace?

They're all Russian. When smaller diamonds were found in large quantities in Russia, DeBeers were worried.

They had to find a solution.

They had their Engagement Ring market sewed up with the larger (African) stones. What to do with all these new smaller stones? How to keep control?

Enter the Eternity Ring. Very clever.

Followed by tennis bracelets, watch adornments etc.

Posted by: Fred | Apr 27, 2019 5:32:27 PM

While far less spectacular, I bought a solid 18 karat white gold and diamond Bulgari (reason for name: Bulgaria) watch for my wife after our second child was born.

She still has it, and it is impeccably made. She thinks it is a bit too fancy, and rarely wears it, but it's but a token of my love and appreciation for her.

She has several other nice watches, but usually wears her cheapest as it's made of ceramic and won't scratch!

Not that she's clumsy, she's a practical gal. I recommend a practical gal to anyone! Biggest life choice.

Posted by: Fred | Apr 27, 2019 5:17:07 PM

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