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January 4, 2021

Apple Watch Easter Eggs — Flashlight! Strobe! Red light!

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 11.14.26 AM

I was sitting here doing something close to nothing (but different than the day before) so I started fooling around with my Apple Watch.

I swiped up and got the screen to the left up top.

I saw the flashlight icon and thought to myself, "I didn't know this watch could be a flashlight."

Next thing you know, someone will tell me some guy's bowtie* is really a camera.

But I digress.

I touched the flashlight icon and got a bright white screen with three little dots at the bottom.

Even a TechnoDolt©® fanboi knows that means swipe sideways.

Nothing happened when I swiped to the right but when I swiped to the left, the screen suddenly became a really bright white flashing strobe — yowza!

But wait — there's more!

I swiped right again and the screen became bright red, which would be useful in a darkroom or if you were looking at a map at night and didn't want to wreck your night vision.

Wait a sec — what's that music I'm hearing?

You say you're hearing this?

Diff'rent strokes.

*bowtie, bow tie, and bow-tie are all acceptable

January 4, 2021 at 10:01 AM | Permalink


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