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May 29, 2021
Steve Keene has painted over 300,000 originals — can he paint one for you?
How about 6 for $70?
Does that work?
[Keene, known to rock fans for his colorful album cover designs, demonstrates his painting method. Keene prefers to create paintings in large batches, drawing on his printmaking background to apply one color at a time to numerous pieces.]
Give a few away to friends who never dreamed
[Steve Keene may complete 40 to 60 individual paintings per day in the chain-link fence cage he uses as an easel. Each painting is on a piece of plywood. Keene has completed more than 300,000 paintings over the years.]
they could own an original piece of art.
[via the Charlottesville Daily Progress]
May 29, 2021 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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