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June 1, 2021

'Mystery of the Vanishing Piano' — David Berglas

You may recall "The Berglas Effect" post of this past Saturday, May 29.

Or your memory may be shot to the point you've never heard of Berglas, even though you think you read what appears on this station of the dross on a regular basis.

No matter.

David Segal wrote about über-magician David Berglas's trick called "Mystery of the Vanishing Piano" in the New York Times as follows:

Decades into his retirement, he has revealed just about every secret in his long and storied career. This includes the time, in 1954, that he made a grand piano vanish in a London hotel banquet room filled with guests. (Distracted, the audience turned their focus in time to see a pianist, who seemed to be playing the instrument a moment earlier, fall facedown to the floor).

A crew of accomplices, including a very game pianist, helped make that piano vanish. Collaborators are part of what makes the method behind this stunt, which Mr. Berglas detailed in a video, so brilliant.

June 1, 2021 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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