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March 24, 2022
Got commas?
From the ever-fecund mind of Clive Thompson:
I give you a tool to analyze your writing
Last night I quickly cobbled together this simple web tool —" just the punctuation."
Go there and you can paste in any piece of text you want: it will strip out everything but the punctuation.
It returns a little image designed with a font-and-color combo modeled directly after After Adam J. Calhoun's 2016 viz of Blood Meridian (below, left) and Absalom, Absalom! (below, right).
I loved his mix of the beige-toned background and an old-school font, since it makes the dataviz reminiscent of a 1960s computer punch-card — a delicious, nougaty layer of meta.
I have not yet built a way for you to save a visualization, but (for now) you can take a screenshot.
Free, the way we like it.
March 24, 2022 at 12:01 PM | Permalink
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