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November 27, 2022
Experts' Expert: Prepping a pomegranate to eat
November 27, 2022 at 04:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
The Future of Cut/Copy & Paste
November 27, 2022 at 12:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Add a Tile locator to your cat's collar
Several readers emailed to ask for information about the device my five-month-old Calico cat named Vanta sported in her collar in the video in last Monday's post extolling my flat spork.
Your wish is my demand.
It's a Bluetooth locator made by Tile which fits perfectly into a plastic adapter.
Why not just use an AirTag like everybody else, joe?
I knew you'd ask: I mean, I asked!
The reason I've so far not opted in to AirTags is because Apple requires that you first set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your phone.
I'm afraid that if I do that it'll make my TechnoDolt©® life more difficult by forcing me to take an extra step to use my phone.
The main reason I won't do it, however, is this: if you set up 2FA, you have two weeks to try it out, after which you cannot remove it.
That scares me.
Like Jeff Bezos, I know a one-way door when I see one.
But I digress.
Here are the components to build one a nifty collar like mine if you want to be like me & Vanta:
• Tile Sticker (I paid $29.99 a month ago; it's now $19.99)
• Tile collar adapter (2 for $8.99)
• Personalized breakaway collar ($7.99)
You download the Tile app for your phone and it's easy-peasy (trust me of all peeps on this) to set it up.
The Tile Sticker is said to have a 250-foot range.
As long as Vanta's breakaway collar stays on, I'll have a fighting chance of locating her.
If not, I just have to hope whoever finds her is savvy enough to palpate the back of her neck/upper back to see if there's a embedded chip (which she has).
Up top, a video I made demonstrating the components discussed above.
a demonstration of the Tile Sticker collar in action.
As promised, I went outside and measured the Tile's range.
Alas, it came up WAY short of what's advertised (250 feet): the maximum distance from the Tile to activate it with the "Find my Tile" app was around 50 (fifty) feet.
Even then, I had to listen really hard in a relatively quiet place to even hear the faint beeps at that distance.
If Vanta bolts through a briefly opened door, I'd better hope she doesn't wander too far from home during her explorations.
November 27, 2022 at 08:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)