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January 23, 2023
Levitating Clock
YouTube description:
In our modern age levitation still looks like magic, so I guess you could call Flyte a team of wizards.
First they produced a levitating light bulb and now they're back with a hovering clock.
It's called STORY and its main feature is a magnetically levitating sphere.
It travels around the wooden base and completes one full orbit at the interval of a person's choice.
The backlit display can be set to visualize different light patterns (like moon phases).
From $399.
Apply within.
January 23, 2023 at 08:01 AM | Permalink
That is super cool , albeit too rich for my blood. With my luck though, the clock would get bumped by some guest or other and that ball would roll into a floor vent never to be seen again ๐
Posted by: tamra | Jan 23, 2023 6:14:02 PM
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