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March 17, 2023
ChatGPT joins bookofjoe
Most exciting thing that's happened around here in a while: at 2:33 pm today I downloaded the new ChatGPT app aka Petey to my Apple Watch.
You could look up.
Look at that fantastic icon.
Endless fun for $4.99.
Cheap at 100x the price.
You can too!
Here's a nice explainer and review.
One more thing: make sure you don't have your watch set to Silent Mode like I did — that way you won't wonder how come the watch doesn't speak but only answers with text.
March 17, 2023 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
You know, judging by its name, ChatGPT is a program of interminable speechifying that's going to occur with alarming regularity on Georgia Public Television.
Can't wait! 🥱
No, of course I know what it really is. I translated all that Wikipedia mumbo-jumbo into something that people like me can actually understand.
It's a quintabonded, transducal, multi-dimensional/directional inverse-hypergimballed klongotonoid polytruged comm-tung uniquely trellised for mografacing universal and simular-taneous outBord, inBord, mokBord, chzBord, and lorrblup grintelL1gints burplesistimz.
Posted by: Flautist | Mar 17, 2023 8:17:56 PM
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