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May 12, 2023
LIght-Up Chess Set
From Core 77:
This Light-Up Chess Set has pieces that are individually illuminated from within.
They are battery-free.
Created by Lithuania-based startup Masteek, each piece contains an LED that uses wireless induction to draw power from the board (which does contain a battery).
The designers rigged it up so that the pieces only illuminate when they're vertical, and go dark if horizontal.
Presumably the arrangement is so players can have the dramatic "lights out" moment when they take an opponent's piece (top).
The white squares of the board also illuminate when the board is turned on.
The rechargeable battery is said to be good for nine-plus hours.
The pieces stow away in drawers built into the board.
The standard included colors are white for the white pieces, red for the black pieces...
but if the "Star Wars" vibe isn't your thing, you can also select blue, green or pink.
May 12, 2023 at 08:12 AM | Permalink
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