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September 30, 2023
Minimalist Toilet Paper Storage Device
From Core77:
The brief on this product is so narrow, it almost seems like a design school project to me:
"Assignment: Devise a way to store extra rolls of toilet paper in a bathroom using minimal materials."
I suppose it may make sense for Japan, which is where this Sogu Hanging Holder comes from; I've seen bathrooms there that make RV bathrooms look spacious.
Anyways, the concept here is that you have no place to put extra toilet paper rolls, and that leaving even wrapped ones on the floor doesn't jive with fastidious cleanliness principals, so you resort to this device.
As you can see, it's not meant to be used as the dispenser itself — there's nothing to prevent an unsealed roll from unraveling, as revealed in the "Don't Do" photo below:
From the website:
Hanging Holder
New method of toilet paper stocking.
"Hanging" makes it easy to clean the floor.
Are you having trouble finding a place to store extra toilet paper in limited space?
Items placed on the floor get in the way when cleaning, but using this hanging holder keeps the floor clean.
By passing the cord through the core of the toilet paper, the stainless steel bar attached to the tip is caught and you can easily hang up to 3 pieces.
Features and Details:
• Stainless steel, silicon rubber
• L-shaped hook included
• Made in Japan
¥2,750 (Toilet paper included with orders from Atlanta's southern suburbs; please specify Charmin or Scott).
September 30, 2023 at 08:30 AM | Permalink
Hmmm,the curved hook in the first picture looks sufficient. The short straight hook pictured in the box looks like it wouldn’t hold the thing in a mild breeze.
Posted by: tamra | Sep 30, 2023 10:27:38 PM
@Gregory Perkins, Have no cabinet under the sink in which to stack TP rolls. I hang a spare roll on an old obi with a figure-8 stop knot. Same cost as you.
Posted by: antares | Sep 30, 2023 4:09:57 PM
It doesn't get much more minimal than stacking them under the sink! Cost 0.
Posted by: Gregory Perkins | Sep 30, 2023 11:21:13 AM
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