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September 27, 2023
Prime Video Channels > Apple TV+ Channels
If you love movies, you should take a look at some of the channels available on Prime Video and Apple TV+.
I've used both services in recent months and recommend Prime Video.
If you're going to use your computer or tablet or phone to watch, there's little difference in the two juggernauts, but if you like to kick back and watch on the big screen from your comfy chair, Prime Video Channels (top) is definitely the way to go.
The reason: you can instantly access your subscription channels (bottom row of the image up top) without any friction, simply by clicking on the circular icons.
Apple TV+, on the other hand, is set up in such a way that after you click on your channel's App tile on the grid (bottom row below),
you get a log-in screen that asks for your email and password (huh? I never used a password when I subscribed via Apple TV+) and from there it's a comedy of frustrated errors until you finally give up trying.
September 27, 2023 at 04:27 PM | Permalink
You have to log in on one of your apple devices so that the login for each service is in your keychain. Then it works on your Mac, ATV, iPad, iPhone.
Posted by: Gregory Perkins | Sep 27, 2023 8:15:00 PM
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