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November 30, 2023

Creative Coffins โ€” 'Putting the fun in funerals'

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Long story short from BloombergBusinessweek: "Design your own coffin or choose a scheme from this U.K.-based company's panoply of themes, which includes sports, music, and video games. The structure is 60% recycled paper combined with wood pulp."

From the company website:

CreativeCoffins.com provide a green solution for a distinctive funeral.

Environmentally sympathetic, our cartonboard coffins are suitable for both burial and cremation.

We have a large range of pre-designed coffins that are available through your local funeral director.

We also offer a free personalization service  so that you can add a memorable saying, name or dates to all of our designs.

Alternatively we can create a completely new design to your own specification.

To view our pre-designed range and to find out more about our personal service, please select one of the categories pictured above.

Apply within.

November 30, 2023 at 08:30 AM | Permalink


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