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November 19, 2023

Why I park as far as possible from the store in my supermarket lot


In no particular order:

1) More exercise 

2) Easier to find my car

3) Less chance of getting dinged by the door of an adjacent car

4) Much easier to find a spot where I can head in such that I can head out without backing up

5) Nobody bothers me if I sit in my car and do this and that — phone, email, notes to self, etc. — before and after shopping

6) Easier exit

I'm sure there are more good reasons.

Perhaps readers will post them as comments.



November 19, 2023 at 04:19 PM | Permalink


Also park facing into the wind - lower probability of wind-blown door dings.

Posted by: Scott | Nov 20, 2023 7:47:15 PM

Easier to see cars coming down the aisle (for those of us without backup cameras that is) and less likely to get into a parking lot accident. Implied by the photo but not explicitly stated

Posted by: Chris | Nov 19, 2023 6:28:39 PM

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