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November 10, 2023
Experts' Expert: Bounty paper towels are the best
That's the opinion of one Sabrina Fierman, president of the cleaning firm New York's Little Elves.
She took New York Times reporter Tim McKeough shopping for cleaning supplies and dished about what she knows best.
Wrote McKeough, "To some, cleaning house means making a casual tour with the vacuum and taking a few jabs at the toilet with a soapy brush. Not Sabrina Fierman. As vice president of New York’s Little Elves, a cleaning firm used by many designers and contractors, she takes the job to a level that would satisfy the most obsessive germaphobe."
And: "'We come in with a crew and clean from top to bottom,' Ms. Fierman, 45, said. 'From ceilings to lights to baseboards to hardware. We pull drawers out and clean behind them. We use Q-tips and chopsticks wrapped with cotton rags to get into vents and grilles.'"
More: "Not surprisingly, she has plenty of advice on the subject. To start, she said, you don't need lots of specialized cleaners. Unless you're disinfecting, she said, 'you can almost clean the whole home with liquid Ivory soap or Dr. Bronner's Castile soap.'"
Finally: "As for paper towels, they aren't all created equal. 'We only use Bounty,' she said, 'because it doesn't disintegrate, fall apart, shed or leave fibers behind. If you're cleaning with a paper towel that falls apart, you're just creating more work.'"
At stores everywhere.
November 10, 2023 at 08:10 AM | Permalink
Did you hear about the cowboy who wore a hat made of paper towels?
He had a bounty on his head....
Posted by: Jim | Nov 10, 2023 4:55:38 PM
Bounty paper towels are good, but you need to be careful what you buy, there are several styles and packaging, Costco carries 1 or 2 different versions depending you your store, and Sam's club carries a 3rd version that are all somewhat different than you can you get at Walmart.
Posted by: Max Tanz | Nov 10, 2023 10:36:15 AM