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November 17, 2023

Pen Fetish Peeps: Your Ship Just Came In


Since forever I've been looking for a better pen.

Now comes the Uni Jetstream Edge, an ultra-fine (0.28mm) pen that's "rollerball smooth, but with fast drying ballpoint ink."

From Core77:

This will only matter if you're a serious sketching/writing nerd.

If you're looking for a pen with a ultra-fine point, you can grab a 0.5mm at your local big-box. Dig deeper online, and you'll find pens with 0.3mm or even 0.2mm tips. But they're all rollerballs. That's because the ink chemistry required for such a fine point is easier to pull off with rollerballs, which use thinner ink; you just can't get that smoothness with the oil-based ink that ballpoint pens use.

Or at least, you couldn't before. Japan's Uni, a/k/a the Mitsubishi Pencil Company, has figured out the ink formula with their Jetstream Edge, a pen with an absurdly fine 0.28mm ballpoint.


Says the company:

"Prepare yourself for an extraordinary writing experience that will leave you amazed. With its hexagonal barrel, knurled metal grip, and eye-catching wire clip, the JETSTREAM Edge oozes style. But it's not just about looks — our archival-quality hybrid black ink delivers smooth and vibrant writing that rivals gel pens, all while drying quickly like a ballpoint."

The Uni website says "limited-time availability" and indeed it's sold out there.

No worries, readers: my Crack Research Team©™® was all over this instanter and I'm pleased to report that you can buy one of these bleeding-edge pens — in White, Black, Navy, or Champagne Gold — for $8.20-$8.75.


Want to differentiate yourself from hoi polloi?

No worries, we got you covered:

Limited Edition Red: $63.54.

Limited Edition Light Blue: $30.70.

Limited Edition Yellow: $30.50.

Can't quite pull the trigger?


the video.

I can feel the gravitational waves emanating from my Crack Pen Fetish Correspondent©™® in Atlanta's southern suburbs.

November 17, 2023 at 08:17 AM | Permalink


Ooooh, very nice!
Ballpoints, rollerballs, and gels all have their uses & delights. A pen nerd can not have too many pens, and I don't have too many, yet. My all-time fave for just about everything is none of those types, but good old Sakura Pigma Micron pens, felt-tips in all their glory. They're pigment-based ink and resist water and don't leave blobs and don't bleed through, and dry super-duper fast.
I use the tiny 0.15mm point most of all, but they are rather fragile and can't take much pressure, and being so thin, they will tend to dry out fairly quickly. And, they're not very costly, and most of the different widths come in lots of colors.

One somewhat unpleasant fault for one so concerned with the look of her pens, is that they're kinda ugly. The barrell of a Pigma Micron is a sort of drab khaki-ish industrial looking thing that almost seems designed to take some of the joy out of using it. But if you can plow past that unfortunate feature, they're good old pens. Some would call them markers, because of the felt tips...just ignore them. 😃

Posted by: Flautist | Nov 18, 2023 9:35:12 AM

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