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November 21, 2023
Process Tee = Brugada Syndrome (mos def NOT FTW)
From Kottke:
When you start something new, how do you know where you're going to end up?
Most of the time, you don't — you stumble around for awhile, exploring uncertainly until, slowly, things start to make sense.
That messy journey is all part of the process.
Designer Damien Newman and I have teamed up with Cotton Bureau to make some t-shirts featuring his Design Squiggle that illustrate this untidy pattern of creativity.
Newman originally came up with the Design Squiggle (aka The Process of Design Squiggle) more than 20 years ago to explain how design worked to some of his clients. Here's his description:
The Design Squiggle is a simple illustration of the design process.
The journey of researching, uncovering insights, generating creative concepts, iteration of prototypes and eventually concluding in one single designed solution.
It is intended to convey the feeling of the journey.
Beginning on the left with mess and uncertainty and ending on the right in a single point of focus: the design.
Although it originated in the design world, the Squiggle is handy for understanding or describing the process of many different creative endeavors.
If you asked a chef, a scientist, a writer, a programmer, or an artist to describe how they got from their starting point to an end result, I think it would look a lot like the Squiggle.
Erm... Newman and Kottke should've run this design by me before going public with it because it's alarmingly like the EKG tracing of Brugada Syndrome aka Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome
You do NOT want to walk around sporting that fatal arrhythmia as your calling card.
Now aren't you glad you read boj?
Don't you wish everybody did?
Wait a sec....
November 21, 2023 at 08:21 AM | Permalink
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