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February 2, 2024
Balls in Boxes: Motors of Zimoun
From Doobybrain:
I really enjoy the work of installation artist Zimoun and this 2011 video of his — showing 138 DC Motors with cotton ball tips rubbing against cardboard boxes — is amazing in scale and concept.
Who would have thought that cotton could make so much beautiful ambient noise (although I'm sure to some extent the noise is coming from the DC motors running in unison)?
P.S. Yes, I know these may be ping-pong balls. But if the artist says they're cotton balls then they're cotton balls.
February 2, 2024 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
hey, why not. in the arts this phenomenon is often used to make the mundane, the trivial important. if the artist had 1 ball dancing around people would have walked past it. have 138 and now you've got something that grabs peoples' attention. why is that? must psychology explain it to us?
Posted by: Rob | Feb 5, 2024 7:56:59 PM