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September 15, 2024
Meet Taylor Troesh
Who's Taylor Troesh, and why should we care?
I'm glad you asked that question.
I only learned of his existence yesterday when he commented on the day's first post.
You can confirm this by glancing at the screenshot below.
The post went up at 8:01 a.m. and he published his comment at 9:16:33 a.m.
But wait — there's more!
I told my Crack Research Team©®™ to drill down and find out exactly who this person is who made such an excellent comment in their — to the best of my knowledge — first appearance ever in my homepage's Comments section.
Turns out he has a spectacularly original and entertaining website at taylor.town, replete with myriad rabbit holes — pictured up top and below — that will cause you, once inside, to wonder why I didn't warn you with my trademark heads-up: There goes the day.
Except I just did.
But I digress.
Try his exegesis on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), for example.
Now, don't you feel better?
Sure hope Taylor drops in on bookofjoe again in the not distant future.
September 15, 2024 at 12:01 PM | Permalink