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November 26, 2024

Minimum Wage Machine — Blake Fall-Conroy


Wrote the artist:

The Minimum Wage Machine (2008-2010, updated 2012 and 2016) allows anyone to work for minimum wage.

For as long as they turn the crank, the user is paid in pennies as time passes.

For example, if minimum wage is $7.25/hour (the current US Federal rate), then the worker is paid one penny every 4.97 seconds.


If they stop turning the crank, they stop earning money.

The machine's mechanism and electronics are powered by the hand crank and pennies are stored in a plexiglas box.

The Minimum Wage Machine can be reprogrammed as minimum wage changes, or for wages in different locations.


See more of his work here and here.

[via Milena]

November 26, 2024 at 04:01 PM | Permalink


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