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November 27, 2024
Scythian Horseman Plaque
[This spectacular gold stamping was discovered in the Kul-Oba burial barrow. It dates from the first half of the 4th Century BCE. The holes enabled it to be sewn onto clothing. 1.7" x 1.5".]
Herodotus devoted the fourth of the nine books of his "Histories" to the Scythians.
Though long considered a mixture of fact and fable, recent scholarship has borne out many of Herodotus's seemingly fantastical and extreme descriptions as being fact-based rather than imaginary.
This plaque is in the collection of the Russian State Historical Museum, located in Red Square in Moscow.
It is part of the "Early Iron Age and the Great Migration of Peoples" exhibit, located in Hall 5, where it resides in Showcase 9.
November 27, 2024 at 04:01 PM | Permalink