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December 5, 2024
Bloom Chair
Designed by Kenneth Cobonpue.
Microfiber and resin; steel base.
December 5, 2024 at 04:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wonderful YouTube Easter Egg
Look at the two images juxtaposed above.
Can you tell the difference?
What is it?
I could be annoying and make everyone wait till tomorrow at this time for the big reveal but I'm not gonna do that.
Rather, I will digress a bit to give you a bit more time to find the difference, which in fact exposes the Easter egg, which may have been there forever for all I know.
Constant readers will know that sometimes I get fixated on a song such that I play it at max volume on repeat all day.
When the music from "Industry" hit my sweet acoustic nerve spot, I listened to it for several days, many many times.
Each time I had to click on the YouTube link, which got old really fast.
While I was daydreaming I noticed this tiny image
just under the title of the music, at the extreme left.
"Wait a sec," I thought to myself, that's the same icon Apple Music use to turn on and off the Repeat function: you click on it and a tiny number 1
appears between the two arrows, indicating the player will repeat that one song indefinitely.
I tried it and it worked.
I'm so excited — I love discovering new features after everyone else has known about them for years.
It's the TechnoDolt©®™ way.
One more thing: I learned about an easy peasy YouTube repeat hack a number of years ago.
You started with the song's URL on YouTube, in the case of "Industry":
Then you delete https:// ; delete the word "watch" ; and insert the word "repeat" after YouTube in the URL:
Clicking on the revised URL would play the song forever on repeat.
Until YouTube blocked this hack; now if you try it, when you click on the revised URL you get this:
December 5, 2024 at 12:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Blunt Umbrella
It comes from New Zealand.
What took so long?
Rounded tips eliminate dangerous sharp spikes at the outer edges.
Able to withstand Force 12 (up to 72 mph) winds.
Zillions of colors and patterns.
From $89.
December 5, 2024 at 08:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)