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December 12, 2024
Anti-Schmutz Phone Port Plug
From Macworld:
How to Stop Dust, Dirt, and Lint From Getting Into Your Phone's Charging Port
Never have to remove fluff from your phone's port again with this simple solution.
Keep your phone in your pocket or backpack and dust and dirt will certainly enter your phone's most vulnerable point of entry — the charging port. Once enough fluff is in there you will find it difficult to properly insert the charging cable and you will have to rely on wireless charging.
Dirt transferred from your pocket or bag into the charging port is simply inevitable — or is it? I've taken to plugging that port with a little stopper.
A low-tech port plug is a simple solution that will keep dirt from getting into the port but won't stop you from quickly charging your phone with a cable. Using a port plug is the best way to stop that happening.
USB-C connector: 10 for $1.99.
Lightning connector: 10 for $3.99.
December 12, 2024 at 08:01 AM | Permalink
I've been wanting these for a long time! I generally charge my phone via chi, but my iPhone 15 has been pretty good about charging via USB. My Pixel 3 was terrible charging via the port as was my iPhone se which I was using as an iPod.
Posted by: Gregory Perkins | Dec 12, 2024 3:33:03 PM