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January 5, 2025
Crayola Color Chart, 1903–2010
Crayola's Law: The number of colors doubles every 28 years.
January 5, 2025 at 04:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
'Red and Rover' — Lagniappe
After years of liking various comics in my local newspaper's Comics section, I finally settled on Brian Basset's "Red and Rover" as my one and only.
Thus I was dismayed when the Daily Progress revamped its Comics section last year, adding some and dropping others including "Red and Rover."
I had my Crack Research Team©®™ address this problem in an all-hands-on-deck session and they came up with a fine solution: a website that features each day's strip.
But wait: there's more!
The website also posts comments from other fans
who share my love for the strip and whose comments are a nice extra.
I read somewhere last year that Basset is planning to put down his pen in the not that distant future, which I hope he'll delay indefinitely.
In the interview where he mentioned ending the strip, he said it was more and more difficult and stressful as time went on to meet his standards.
That got me thinking about boj and calling it quits, something that never occurs to me because of all the things I do, producing each day's entries is the most fun and engages me like nothing else.
I guess the only way you'll know it's
is when I keel over dead and my "dead hand" future posts finally run out and no new posts appear.
January 5, 2025 at 12:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hands-Free Kindle Page Turner
From the Wall Street Journal:
There’s nothing quite like getting cozy under the covers with a good ebook...
until you have to stick your hand out in the cold air to turn the page.
Yes, the Datafy page-turner remote solves a problem you didn't know you had.
Clip the page turner to your newer Kindle,
then use the accompanying remote to click to the next page.
Compatible with models going back to 2019's 10th-gen Kindle.
Black, White, or Pink.
January 5, 2025 at 08:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)