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January 12, 2025
Missouri Marmite Museum
From the museum website:
The Missouri Marmite Museum celebrates the world's most famous love-it/hate-it item: a yeast extract made from the dregs found at the bottom of British beer barrels, and sold in adorable brown glass jars.
The museum's collection began with one metal-top jar purchased in 1974; today the collection is a broad spectrum of plastic-top jars, toy trucks, cookbooks, stuffed animals, thimbles, toast racks, advertisements, and wearing apparel: socks, t-shirts, aprons, and sweatshirts.
Parts of the collection come from India, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, England, Sri Lanka, Canada, and Hong Kong — with the oldest item (1930's) having been excavated from a rubbish dump in Wales.
The Missouri Marmite Museum, located in Valley Park, Missouri, is open by appointment only. Be sure to ask for a private screening of our exclusive video of Dr. Marmite's appearance at the Museum's opening ceremonies.
You can email the Museum Curator (Doug Schneider) at [email protected].
Englishwoman Maggie Hall's book,
"The Mish-Mash Dictionary of Marmite: An Anecdotal A-Z of 'Tar-in-a-Jar,'" is just the ticket for Marmite aficionados.
former Daily Mirror tabloid reporter Hall with her fixation.
Washington Post columnist John Kelly described Marmite as follows: "Imagine putting hundreds of anchovies in a blender, adding salt and axle grease, pureeing, pouring the contents on an asphalt roofing shingle, baking under a hot sun for several weeks, then scraping off a black, gooey precipitate and eating it. That is Marmite."
January 12, 2025 at 04:01 PM | Permalink
Perhaps wash it down with some Malört? (No, really...don't)
Posted by: Scott | Jan 13, 2025 11:42:51 PM